Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Taggu 2

Tag dr Cik Cot lg... Ssh btol nk jwb soklan subjektif ni.. Lenkali bg yg soklan objektif la... Leh pki pemadam dadu...

1. at what age do you wish to marry?

umo yg hmpir2 digelar anak dara tua...

2. what is your most favorite thing to do?

wat bodo...

3. if you have a close close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?

Depends... Adekah die mmg berniat tuk merampas atau x sengaja (x sedar atau kebetulan)? Bg ak, kalu da minat sm nk wat camne dok? n maybe die lebeh bernasib baik atau layak tuk memilikinya.... ak leh terime... Tp kalu die mmg saje2 dengki ngan ak, tu bkn thp kwn... Tu thp kambeng kampung...

4. what would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat ?

My current body fat...

5. if you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

To turn back time... Back to year 1997...

6. do you believe you can survive without money?

X leh... Nk melepas kecil-kecilan pon kene pki duit...

7. what are you afraid to lose the most?

My family, most definately...

8. what do you feel like doing, right now?

Wat karangan syarahan dlm 150 patah perkataan...

9. if you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

never (mampush la ko x tau)

10. list out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.

(i) suka hepikan dirinya

(ii) suka hepikan org lain

(iii) suka hepikan suasana

11. what are the requirements that you wish from your other half?

Bebas dari penyakit berjangkit dan waras

13. what is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?

org yg nmnye BAD
hahaha, kiddin'

14. what do you think is the most important thing in your life?

Watashi no kazoku (my family)

15. if you have a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick ?

Happy ler... Org kaye ni byk mslh... X seronok pon...

16. if you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?

Um.... part suke wat dinding imaginasi ngan org laen...

17. who is the person that you can share all your problems with?

Ngan insan bernama Hasby

18. what is the one thing you love about yourself?

Sy suke yg sy ni anak sejati hsl kacukan mak bapak sy...

19. do you think your style actually reflects your personality?

Tah le...

20. what does life mean to you?

Hidup ni mcm mkn durian... Kalu nk mkn buah ni, kene tgu musim die.. Da musim die, kene bli ngan harga yg mhl (tuk yg berkualiti punye)... Da bli, kene kopek lak dlu ssh2... Bile da leh mkn tu, pergh... nikmat... tp dlm syok2 mkn tu, kene beringat2.. x leh mkn byk2 sgt... nnti kene heart attack... Sm la jgk ngan hidups ni... Byk halangan kite kene tempuh, byk penantian kite kene hadapi, byk ujian kite kene lalui dan byk usaha perlu dicurahkan tuk meraih kejayaan... Kalu da berjaya tu, mmg la sronok, tp kite ttp x leh lupe diri atau alpa, sbb yg berkuasa, ttp yg Maha Esa... Kite just manusia biasa yg leh jatuh bila2 mase je...
(Amacam, best x motto idup ak? ni ak reka ms nk wat karangan tuk pinjaman MARA ni)
P/s: maleh ak nk tag2 org laen, bknnye wat...
Cekodok durian dari bibir ikan...


Nurul said...

bace blog ko simply wt aku gelak. keep it on babe..
adehh.. dh ler sakit gg. makin sakit sbb byk gelak. :-p

Be-Fish said...


p/s: jglah kesehatan gg anda tus...